Bike Friendly Communities
Communities that are walk-able and bike-able make it easy for neighbors to get out and be active. The Healthy Kids Collaborative helped six Dane County communities showcase their bike routes, encouragement of biking and policies to promote easy biking. Each city (and the University of Wisconsin –Madison) was name a Bike Friendly Community–all receiving ahigher designation in 2023.
Great ideas from the group to promote biking:
- Creation of the “I Love to Bike Madison” map highlighting safe routes to family-friendly destinations.
- Valet bike parking at community events (compliments of the Sun Prairie bicycle advocacy group).
- University police hold a “Be Bright” night in the fall–supplying bikers with free headlights and instruction on light laws.
- Bike-in Movie Night at held at a remote park.
- Interested in having your city become a Bike Friendly Community? Contact Renee Callaway.