Cabin Fever Guide

We know that late winter in Wisconsin can be challenging—so we worked together with 1000 Friends of Wisconsin to compile our favorite ideas to stay active and well. You'll find all of them below, sorted into three categories: indoor fun, outdoor fun, and emotional/calming activities.

Be sure to print off our Fridge Page—a list of all activities here in abbreviated, printer-friendly form. That way, when cabin fever strikes, you can take a quick glance and find an idea or activity. If you need more details, you can always visit us right here!

Ready to get started? Click on one of the three categories or scroll down to see the entire list. We also have compiled some other resources in the resources section at the bottom of this page.

And be sure to share the fun! We'd love to see your adventures! Tag Healthy Kids Collaborative on Facebook (@healthykidscollaborative) or Twitter (@healthykidsdane). Use #healthykids and #gotcabinfever hashtags!

Outdoor Fun

Ice Skating

It may take some time to get used to moving on ice skates, but it's a great winter activity that will keep you warm and active. Head to a local park or pond to give it a try! Look up the local Parks Department or sporting goods store if you need rentals.

Ice Skating

Snow Art

Snowpeople, snow angels, igloos, forts—your imagination can help you to create winter art with the snow!

Snow Art

Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt

Make a list of items to find around your neighborhood. Share the list with your neighbors and see who can find everything. Bonus: Have your neighbors hide things in their window or in their yard as items to find on the scavenger hunt.

Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt

Sledding Olympics

Try all sorts of sledding styles and have your own sledding olympics!

Category ideas: Fastest Single Rider, Fastest Double Rider, Best Trick, Silly Style Award, and Best Wipeout!

Sledding Olympics

Animal Tracks Scavenger Hunt

Go on a walk and find three different animal tracks. Be sure to find some tracks that belong to a bird and some that belong to a mammal. Here's a helpful resource:

Animal Tracks Scavenger Hunt

Indoor Fun

Indoor Circuits Challenge

Do this sequence of exercises as fast as you can—take a 30-60 second break and do it again! Try to do 3 or more "circuits" in a row.

  • 10 Sit Ups (Crunches)
  • 10 One-Legged Hops (5 on each leg)
  • 10 Jumping Jacks
  • Challenge: Add an exercise of your choice!
Indoor Circuits Challenge

Obstacle Course

Pick four things from inside your house. Build an obstacle course with them! Then, jump, dance, or speedwalk around (or over or under!) them three times. In order to "cross the finish line," pick up all four things and put them away!

Obstacle Course

Drinking Water Challenge

Track how much water you drink each day for a whole week. 8 cups (64 oz) per day is a good goal for most people!

Drinking Water Challenge

Chopped: Home Edition

Pick four mystery cooking ingredients. Pick teams and someone to judge. Each team has one hour to create a custom dish from the mystery ingredients to impress the judges!

Chopped: Home Edition

Make a Stop Motion Video

Start by making a storyboard of what you want the movie to include and then start taking pictures! The small movements you make for each picture will test your patience and provide lots of laughs as you make the video. Find a stop-motion app to make your video.

Make a Stop Motion Video

Bird Feeders!

Be creative with what's laying around the house, or use this guide to homemade feeders. It's a great craft project, which will turn into a bird-watching adventure! Save a milk carton or use an old bagel to make a homemade bird feeder.

Bird Feeders!

Emotional Wellness

Gratitude Journaling

Find or make a notebook to use as a gratitude journal for the month. Write down at least one thing you are grateful for or happy about before you go to sleep or when you get up each day.

Gratitude Journaling

Mindful Breathing

Find a quiet place to sit. Close your eyes and breathe in slowly through your nose, saying "In". Then breathe out. Do 10 in/out breaths. Try doing this once in the morning and once at night.

Mindful Breathing

Winter Poetry

Use your senses to write a seasonal poem. Look or go outside and pay attention to the sights, sounds, smells, and even the tastes of winter to help give you some ideas. Try a three-lined haiku for a challenge!

Winter Poetry

Indoor Winter Olympics

Have each person in your home choose a board or card game to play for your family's first ever Indoor Winter Olympics! Keep score and think of silly prizes to award the gold, silver, and bronze medalists.

Indoor Winter Olympics

Workspace Makeover

We've been learning and working at home for almost a year now! If you haven't already, give your work space a new look or a good tidy, especially if it's a multi-purpose area. Keep it simple or go big to help your family make the most out of your working spaces.

Workspace Makeover